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Mark Bussin

The Performance Management Handbook for Emerging Markets

There are thousands of books and gurus on the subject of performance management. Yet, there are so few examples of where it is practised well. Everyone knows what performance management is, have read the books, have heard the gurus, yet there are so few outstanding success stories. This book is different for the following reasons:1. It is based on years of personal experience in implementing hundreds of performance management systems in companies.2. Contributors to the book have actually done and experienced what they are writing about, with particular experience in emerging markets.3. It is underpinned by empirical research.4. It is practical and, for once, tells you how to do it, with no missing steps or information. There are tool kits, forms and check lists that can be used instantly.5. It is written in plain English with no bamboozling jargon, with many practical examples and templates that you can amend to suit your needs.It also includes practical examples of different types of performance appraisal methodologies, namely the;• Outputs Approach • Traditional Approach • Balanced Scorecard • Multirater/360oContents include: • The philosophy of performance • Measurement and metrics • The measurement of human capital • Developing an output-driven performance plan • The traditional approach to performance appraisal • Performance appraisal rating scales • The balanced scorecard approach • Multisource/360-degree feedback • Performance-related pay • The link between performance management and long-term incentives (LTIs) • Does performance management work? • Embracing the law – a South African case study • Director and Board Evaluations • Crucial/honest conversations regarding performance • Critical success factors and epilogue
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