Anne Graham,Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson,Carlos Costa,Antonia Canosa,Daisuke Abe,Dario Bertocchi,Dimitri Ioannides,Ernest Cañada,Jaume Gual-Carbonell,Jon Kohl,Judy Kepher-Gona,Katrí,Macià Blázquez-Salom,Margarida Ferreira da Silva,Roos Gerritsma


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This book examines the evolution of the phenomenon and explores the genesis of overtourism and the system dynamics underlining it.

The 'overtourism' phenomenon is defined as the excessive growth of visitors leading to overcrowding and the consequential suffering of residents, due to temporary and often seasonal tourism peaks, that lead to permanent changes in lifestyles, amenities and well— being. Enormous tensions in overtourism affected destinations have driven the intensification of policy making and scholarly attention toward seeking antidotes to an issue that is considered paradoxical and problematic.

Moving beyond the 'top 10 things you can do about overtourism', this book examines the evolution of the phenomenon and explores the genesis of overtourism as well as the system dynamics underpinning it. With a rigorous scientific approach, the book uses systems-thinking and contemporary paradigms around sustainable development, resilience planning and degrowth; while considering global economic, socio-political, environmental discourses. This book:

— Deconstructs 'overtourism' and considers the many constituent parts that have led to its current conceptualisations;
— Presents globally diverse views of overtourism through numerous case studies;
— Is written in plain language accessible to readers beyond the academic context.

Researchers, analysts, policy makers and industry stakeholders working within tourism as well as those within the private sector, community groups, civil society groups and NGOs will find this book an essential source of information.
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