Jamal Khwaja

The Call Of Modernity And Islam: A Muslim's Journey Into The 21st Century

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  • b8838616461idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Prophet Muhammad . Though the Islamic formula of faith, ‘There is no god except God; Muhammad is His Messenger’ does not specifically refer to the finality of Prophet Muhammad , the Quranic text describes him as the ‘seal of the prophets’. His being the last and final prophet of God has been an integral part of the faith since its very inception. The different sects that arose within historical Islam did add some supplementary beliefs relating to the special status or function of some very exalted person
  • b8838616461idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    What really differentiates Islam from other religions is the very early unification of church and state in the career of Islam while this process took centuries to get completed in the case of other religions.
  • b8838616461idézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    the domain of sense perception and empirical explanation, which jointly comprise factual knowledge, we ought to accept the exclusive authority and methodology of science; in the domain of spirituality and morality we ought to accept as final the inner authority of our authentic creative conscience or of some spiritual leader of our own choice, as the case may be
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