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Philippa Gregory

The Other Boleyn Girl

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Fabulous historical by No. 1 bestseller Philippa Gregory, the queen of Tudor novels.
Politics and passion are inextricably bound together in this compelling novel of the Tudor court.
The Boleyn family is keen to rise through the ranks of society, and what better way to attract the attention of the most powerful in the land than through the charms of one of the daughters, Mary Boleyn, at court? But Mary becomes the king’s mistress at a time of change. He desperately needs an heir.
When Mary’s sister Anne catches the king’s eye, she won’t agree to be his mistress – only his wife. What happens next is common knowledge – but here it is told in a way we’ve never heard it before, with all of Philippa Gregory’s characteristic perceptiveness, backed by meticulous historical research and superb storytelling skills.
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737 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • megustasbananamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt

    It's the most fucked up book I've read. The king date her girlfriend's sister at the same time. Gosh :( How I wish I can took back the time I've wasted on this book

  • Nilanee VSmegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🔮Rejtett mélységek

    Mary's thoughts are revealing... Brilliant book!

  • AlexaRangeloffmegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • b5971680452idézettelőző év
    The wagons came up with the things for dinner and they put up a little tent for fifty diners, the king’s favorites, and chairs and benches for the rest, and when the queen arrived, ambling on her steady palfrey, she saw me seated at the king’s left hand and crowned with summer flowers.
  • b5971680452idézettelőző év
    “We men are not where we are today because of some sort of accident. We chose to get into the great places of power, despite the desires of women; and we chose to use those places to make laws which will hold us there forever.”
  • b5971680452idézettelőző év
    “You’re very young to be playing this game, aren’t you? Boleyn or no Boleyn. They’ll be telling you what to do and putting you in my way, I suppose.”


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