infinite implication, the indefinite referral of signifier to signifier. This process I call différence
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In fact, the meaning of meaning is infinite
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If you were to see written on a door panel: “This opens onto the void”, wouldn’t you still want to open it? Spoilt children of the crisis, please follow me…
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So this is Baudrillard’s world — simulated, obscene, seductive, ecstatic, a world without hope because hope implies a future, which is now only a newscast
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Charity cannibalism” — the caring exploitation of poverty recycled as new energy sources. We enjoy the moving spectacle of our efforts to help others. Other people’s misery is our adventure playground. This is the last phase of colonialism, the New Sentimental Order
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Jean’s nihilism is not about the destruction of meaning, but of its disappearance
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the world is fatal, let us be more fatal than it. If it is indifferent, let us be more indifferent. We must conquer the world and seduce it through an indifference that is at least equal to the world’s
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Anomaly — a loss of faith in the norm and its proliferation in mutation
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when a body is deprived of meaning, soul and metaphor and is an organization of excitable circuits, neurons and chromosomes — programmes in excitable suspense waiting to switch on — waiting for the ecstatic moment of mutation. This anticipation is present in physical handicaps. Disabled people are like the advance guard who experiment with the body, brain and senses in preparation for the inhuman and abnormal universe we are all plunging into
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The cool obscenity of the world is superficial, fascinating and saturated with information. When everything is on show, there are no more secrets or ambiguities — just information exposed by science, media and technology in rituals of transparency