Leslie Margolis

The Girl's Best Friend Mysteries

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This exciting new bind-up features all three of Leslie Margolis's pitch-perfect Maggie Brooklyn Mystery novels in one sleek package!In Girl's Best Friend, dogs are disappearing in Maggie Brooklyn Sinclair's neighborhood, and she knows all about it. After all, she has a semi-secret after-school gig as a professional (okay, amateur) dog walker. Maggie may have a lot of leads, but she never suspected her crush Milo could be involvedIn Vanishing Acts, a movie starring the young heartthrob Seth Ryan starts filming in Maggie's neighborhood, and everyone has movie mania. Maggie manages to capture Seth's attention, but then he disappears! Everyone thinks he's been kidnapped, but Maggie knows better.In Secrets at the Chocolate Mansion, someone is out to sabotage the new sweet shop in the neighborhood. Maggie's on the case, but her new babysitting gig has her and her twin brother Finn hanging out in what they fear may be a real haunted mansion. And it's hard to solve real life mysteries when you think you're seeing ghosts!
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