Often, meetings that address problem solving skip this critical step: defining the problem in a way that is not only clear but also compelling enough to make people care about solving it
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n appropriate number of categories. If there are too many, the data gets watered down. If there are too few, the analysis gets watered down.
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Have a plan and expect it to change
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In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.
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four elements of a scene: the setting, the characters, the characters' objectives, and props
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Like almost the entire gamestorming toolkit, improvisation is a matter of some basic skills combined with a lot of practice
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There's a great calm and confidence that comes from knowing that you have the tools as well as the skills, and are prepared for any situation
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improvisation is important in both ways—the ability to quickly respond to unanticipated or emergency situations as well as to develop spontaneous compositions around a baseline rhythm or structure.
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Visual language is about conveying meaning.
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That's a solid metaphor and it's useful as long as it generates thought-provoking questions