The personal experience examines something in your life with wide relevance to others, for instance, coping with a rare or extremely common burden, or responding to a very ordinary or very bizarre experience.
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The personality profile
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The travel article
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If you’re planning a book on how to sell your own home, a series of service articles on different parts of the process could appeal to many readers.
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Finding Ideas Here are some examples of types of articles and suggestions on how to find ideas for them.
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This will widen your potential book market still more, and the honorariums may be substantial. (Your keynote speech or panel presentation may also be a good way to develop material for another chapter or two.)
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Even more agreeably, when you develop a reputation among your readers as an entertaining authority, you may be invited to address meetings and conferences for the profession
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especially if you show you can keep producing them to a deadline.
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Suppose, for example, you’re writing a history of your town. The local weekly is likely to grab everything you offer it, especially if you supply it in well-organized articles of 500 to 1,200 words.
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Other markets, however, are quite open to new writers with something special to say — as long as it doesn’t cost them anything