Sagar Publications

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit

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In this book the author has tried to explain effects of transit of inner and outer planets, influence of ashtakvarga on transit and preparation of various Vargas. Result of retrograde planets in transit, Transit and Eclipse fructification of events with the help of double / triple transit and synthesis of dasha and sarvatobhadra chakra. Use of transit in birth rectification, longevity, progeny, marriage calculation etc. various factors which modify transit influence have also been discussed.
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  • Girish Kumaridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    1.Friendly aspects: A planet influences with a friendly aspect on houses and planets posited therein in houses 3, 5, 9 and 11, counted from itself. In turn it receives friendly aspect from planets posited in these houses. The friendly aspects are further sub-divided as under:
    a)Openly friendly (Pratyaksh mitra)- When planets are posited in 5/ 9 position from each other.
    b)Secretly/ semi friendly (gupta mitra)- When planets are posited in 3/ 11 position from each other.
    2.Inimical aspect: The planets become enemies of each other when they are posited in Kendra (hous
  • Girish Kumaridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    1, 4, 7 & 10th ) from each other. The inimical aspects are also sub-divided as follows:
    a)Openly inimical (Pratyaksh shatru)- When planets are posited in 1/ 7 position from each other.
    b)Secretly/ semi inimical (Gupta shatru)- When planets are posited in 4/ 10 position from each other.
    3.Neutral or no aspect: The planets exert neutral or no aspect when posited in 2/12 or 6/8 position from each other.
  • Girish Kumaridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Tajika system differs from old Vedic system in many ways. The first is the concept of a progressed horoscope.
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