In the thought-provoking treatise “Smeaton and Lighthouses,” the anonymous author delves into the critical contributions of John Smeaton to lighthouse design and construction. This meticulously researched work showcases the intersection of engineering mastery and maritime safety, emphasizing Smeaton's innovative use of materials, such as hydraulic lime, and his pioneering efforts in creating the first modern lighthouse, the Eddystone Lighthouse. The blend of historical narrative and technical exposition reflects the Enlightenment's spirit of inquiry, underscoring the importance of empiricism and scientific methodology in the 18th century. Though the author remains nameless, the depth of knowledge and passion for maritime history evident in this book hints at a scholar highly invested in the advancement of lighthouse technology and its impacts on navigation and commerce. The exploration of Smeaton's life and his role as a civil engineer reveals a broader context concerning the era's challenges, including the perilous conditions at sea and the burgeoning industrial revolution that reshaped coastal infrastructure. “Smeaton and Lighthouses” is an essential read for historians, engineers, and maritime enthusiasts alike. It not only enriches the reader's understanding of a pivotal figure in lighthouse development but also emphasizes the critical link between innovation and safety at sea. Dive into this scholarly exploration and appreciate how a single individual's contributions continue to guide sailors through treacherous waters.