Robin Jones Gunn

Coming Attractions

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Are you serious? And when Katie asks the question, will she believe the answer? Katie Weldon has only one more semester before she becomes a college graduate. The future is on her doorstep, and she’s eager for answers to what’s next. Rick is at the top of her list. She’s ready for the future of their relationship to be finalized—or so she thinks. Is she really ready to make a serious commitment? Could it be that God is asking her the same question about her relationship with him? The third book in the Katie Weldon Series reunites the Christy Miller gang as Katie learns about relationships, change, and moving on in life.
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  • suzfaustmegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    I read this in one day. I had to know what happened next!


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