bookmate game
Julia Whelan

My Oxford Year

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322 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • 📕🖋⚜🐍idézettelőző év
    My dissertation was on In Memoriam, the grief poems. I was looking at one of Tennyson’s rather specific physical details and how it might have affected his poetry.”
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍idézettelőző év
    Surface tension.

    His eyes continue to bore into mine. I hear myself say, “How does it make you feel?”

    For the briefest of seconds his eyes drop to my mouth before they blink back to my eyes. “Hopeful.”

    I can’t stop swimming in those pools.
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍idézettelőző év
    We’ve told each other what we think, but we’ve no idea what we feel. That requires a conversation. Having words, having language, to connect us to ourselves and each other.”


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