Mel Helitzer

Comedy Writing Secrets (2nd Edition)

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The Only Handbook for Humor Writers! “What is comedy? Comedy is the art of making people laugh without making them puke.”—Steve Martin
Become the funniest person in the room! With Comedy Writing Secrets, 2nd edition, you can master the fundamentals of humor writing and turn your comedic talent into a well-paying pursuit.
For more than a decade, Comedy Writing Secrets has been giving aspiring comedians a leg up on the competition. In this expanded new edition, Mel Helitzer, named the “funniest professor in the country” by Rolling Stone magazine, and funnyman Mark Shatz pack in even more insight and instruction, including: Humor writing exercises to punch up your jokes Extra information on writing for sitcoms and stand-up Comedic brainstorming techniques using associations and listings Exclusive tips for writing humor for specific markets like editorials, columns, speeches, advertising, greeting cards, t-shirts, and more Tap into your comedic genius with Comedy Writing Secrets, 2nd edition, and you'll always leave 'em laughing!
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  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    In any case, you must be your own publicist.
  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Some claim they go together — that the luckiest people are those who work the hardest.
  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Getting six guys to agree on what's funny is easy. We read it aloud. If we laugh, it's in; if we don't, it's out. If four guys think something's funny and two guys think it's not, we solve that very simply: We take the two guys out and kill 'em.


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