1 cup fresh blueberries ½ cup sugar 1 ½ tablespoons lime juice 1 ½ tablespoons maple syrup 2 cups Greek yogurt Pinch of salt
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Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking and Chilling/Freezing Time: 1 hour Cups per Serving: 2 Ingredients:
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Several people consume yogurt plainly, others prefer to mix it with fruits and vegetables.
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contains protein and calcium as well as a variety of vitamins.
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Yogurt can be mildly tart or sour, it can be thick enough to stand up on a container, or thin enough to pour.
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It's very easy to prepare, so you can keep your whole family supplied with very minimal effort and cost.
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Making Your Yogurt At Home There are only four basic steps in making homemade yogurts. •Heating- to sterilize the milk. •Cooling- for proper incubation temperature of milk. •Adding- adding starter yogurt to the mixture •Incubation- incubate at warm temperature for hours
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Lactic acid in yogurt increases the absorption of minerals and even picky-eaters will eat yogurt in dips and smoothies as well as toppings.
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There are a few studies that show that yogurt reduces blood cholesterol. Live cultures in yogurt can assimilate the cholesterol and yogurt binds bile acids, which has been shown to lower cholesterol. 10. A "grow food."
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Aside of being a rich source of proteins, the culturing of the milk proteins of yogurt during fermentation makes these proteins easy to digest. 9. Lowers cholesterol.