Michelle Smart

Taming the Notorious Sicilian

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Harlequin Presents author Michelle Smart's fabulous trilogy will delight, entice and enthrall! Meet three dark-hearted men with devastating appeal and the women who prove more than a match for them in The Irresistible Sicilians!
Francesco Calvetti. He has the face of a god and a body made for sin!
Francesco doesn't do nice, and he doesn't do damsels in distress. Apart from that one time. He never thought he'd see Hannah Chapman again. A woman like her, pure and untouched, has no place in his world.
Ever since losing her sister, Hannah has sheltered herself from the world, but being knocked from her bike is a wake-up call. A call she's ready to accept. There's one thing left on her to-do list and there's only one man who can help her. But will the dangerous, devastatingly gorgeous Sicilian oblige her?

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