Andy Rathbone

Windows 7 Para Dummies

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Straightforward, easy-to-use Windows 7 reference and guide for Spanish speakers. Microsoft's Windows 7, the long-awaited replacement for Windows Vista has arrived, and now you can learn the basics of this new operating system with this practical guide. Understand the new user interface, set up your desktop, cover basic applications, and much more with this easy-to-follow book. Whether you're upgrading or starting fresh, this is the perfect basic reference.
Introduces the operating system and shows you how to navigate the user interface, set up your desktop, and manage files Covers basic management of applications and data and how to print Helps you get things done online by setting up a user account and build a home network Shows you how to have fun with your new system by editing audio, burning CDs, creating videos, and more Explores troubleshooting issues, such as warning notices, finding missing files, transferring data from one PC to another, and more This is the basic Windows 7 reference you'll want to keep on hand.
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