Aaron Wisewell

Android Programming Tips, Tricks & Tutorials

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There are two major steps for getting started with Android:
1. You need to install the Android SDK and developer tools
2. You should build a test project to confirm that those tools are properly installed and configured
If you have already done some form of “hello, world” project with the development tools on your development machine, you can skip this tutorial.
If you have not yet installed the Android SDK and related tools, there is an appendix that covers this process. Once you have the Android SDK, it is time to make your first Android project. The good news is that this requires zero lines of code — Android's tools create a “Hello, world!” application for you as part of creating a new project. All you need to do is build it, install it, and see it come up on your emulator or device. That is what this tutorial is for.
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  • Notty10idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Similarly, you can learn more about simple widgets, like fields and buttons, in the "Employing Basic Widgets" chapter of the same book, where you will also find "Working with Containers" for container classes like Linear Layout.


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