bookmate game
J.J. McAvoy

American Savages

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  • Riya Johnidézettelőző hónap
    There comes a time when you have to accept your defeat and understand that you were not untouchable. That there would be someone even more ruthless than you were.
  • Riya Johnidézettelőző hónap
    there were different types of pain, and once you mastered them all, nothing hurts.
  • Riya Johnidézettelőző hónap
    “Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow.”
  • Riya Johnidézettelőző hónap
    When you love someone, you just have to let them win sometimes. It doesn’t mean you’re weak. It doesn’t mean that you are any less of the woman he fell in love with. He would walk through fire for you…while you were gone,
  • Riya Johnidézettelőző hónap
    Some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems

    being watched by real people to forget their real problems.”
  • Kidézett2 évvel ezelőtt


    His fist collided with her face, sending her to the ground so quickly that her hair whipped around her face before she hit the mat. She stayed there for a moment, frozen on the boxing ring’s floor, almost dead, before she tried to push herself up.
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