Hannah Cuppen

Love Phobia

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Love Phobia, the English translation of Hannah Cuppen's bestselling 'Liefdesbang', shows you how to open your heart for yourself and then for others, without fears of abandonment or commitment.

'Would you like to have a relationship but do you find that your partner always withdraws? Do you keep falling in love with someone who is already taken? Or do you have the tendency to keep the other person at a distance, just as they are beginning to develop feelings for you?

If you keep ending up in situations like this, you might recognise the dance of pursuit and withdrawal. You’re not the only one! The fundamental conflict between our need for intimacy and our need for freedom creates this game of pursuit and withdrawal, of attracting and repelling. It imprisons us in destructive dependency relationships.

This book explains why people with fear of abandonment attract people with fear of commitment. With great clarity and openness Hannah Cuppen offers insight and shows which steps you can take towards greater self-esteem, self-love and connection. If you want to stop your ‘love-phobic’ dance and become available for love again, this book will show you the way.

“Love Phobia is a much needed map, guiding the reader to the treasures of loving and being loved, free of fear and past patterns. If you find yourself running after people who are not available and running away from those who are, this book can help. Cuppen offers the wisdom and tools to transform your romantic life and find the love you have been longing for.” — Jessica Graham, author of Mindful and Mindblowing Sex.

Hannah Cuppen is therapist, trainer and bestselling author. Before her first book was published in 2014 (the Dutch edition of Love Phobia), she had spent ten years running her own psychotherapy practice. Throughout her training she specialized in the dynamic of fear of abandonment and fear of commitment. Her book Love Phobia became a bestseller in The Netherlands, and has now sold more than 100,000 copies.

Love Phobia is a masterpiece! It is one of the most insightful and helpful books on love I have read. I recommend it to you wholeheartedly.” — Robert Holden, author of Loveability and Finding Love Everywhere.
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