Raja Sharma

Ready Reference Treatise: Tropic of Cancer

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The book remained banned in the United States for many years. Eventually, the ban was lifted in the year 1961. Elmer Gertz, a lawyer, a close friend of Henry Miller, fought the case and defended the publication of “Tropic of Cancer” in Illinois. He won the case and the ban was lifted.

Although there was no ban on the publication after the court ruling, there were many people who were against Henry Miller and they tried their best to stop his books. However, the book continued to carry the official label ‘obscene.’

It is said that the police in Chicago even intimidated the book shopkeepers and bookstores who decided the book ‘Tropic of Cancer.’ The publisher, Grove Press, had to fight sixty cases to protect the book during 1961.

Ready Reference Treatise: Tropic of Cancer
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Plot Overview
Chapter Three: Characters
Chapter Four: Complete Summary
Chapter Five: Critical Analysis
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