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A Warrior's Heart: Marastin Dow Warriors Book 1.1

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Ben and Aaron Cooper’s life had never been one of ease. They fought to survive on the Kansas farm where their father worked. Life deals them a horrendous twist when they are kidnapped by an alien trader and sold.
They do what they have to in order to survive. They are convinced their time has come to an end when the freighter they are on is attacked by a species known for their lust for blood and killing.
Evetta and Hanine Marquette are Marastin Dow; a species whose leaders thrive on living in the old ways where only the strongest, most ruthless are allowed to live. The life expectancy for most Marastin Dow is short. Advancement usually comes by murder.
Evetta and Hanine want a different life and work together to stay alive in the hopes of finding a life away from the constant threat of death. Life changes for them when they encounter two strange and unusual alien males.
When the males’ lives are endangered, there is only one thing these warrior women can do to save them… run!
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