Jim Wolfe

The Making of Heroes

At long last Jim Wolfe, historical novelist of the future, has produced the first volume of his projected trilogy ‘The last days of V-CityB.’

‘The making of heroes’ shows his mastery of historical detail and his considerable skill in constructing a fast-paced adventure story. It contains all the excitement that could be hoped for in a historical novel, putting Wolfe firmly in the first rank of writers specialising in this period.

Here, for the very first time, the origin myths of Abigail Eastwind and her contemporaries are tackled head on. With an astute mix of historical fact and creative fiction, in a grand, epic sweep of imagination, we see heroes, villains and ordinary people caught up in the great flux of a tumultuous time.

As the massive V-Cities slowly crumble around them, heroes arise, who have shaped the world we now know today.
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Jim Wolfe
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