Sylvia McNicoll

The Diamond Mistake Mystery

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Five-year-old Pearl claims that a pirate stole the rare Blushing Diamond. But everyone’s a pirate on Halloween.
Dogwalker Stephen Noble has been recruited to walk his five-year-old reading buddy, Pearl Lebel, to and from school while her mother is away and her father is ill. He’s sure that this will be easier than walking canine clients Ping and Pong — until Pearl locks herself in the house, runs away from home, and loses her family’s rare pink diamond ring.
When Pearl claims that a pirate took the ring, Stephen and Renée are on the case. But the more they discover, the more it feels like everyone is a suspect. With Pearl annoying them every step of the way, will they be able to solve the mystery before the ring's scheduled appearance at the Brilliant Diamond Show?
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