Leimberg Stephan,Robert Johnson,Thomas R.Robinson

Tools & Techniques of Investment Planning, 4th Edition

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The Tools & Techniques of Investment Planning, 4th Edition helps practitioners demystify the process of investing by providing practical insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different investment approaches and asset classes, and highlights strategies for managing portfolios in the contemporary investment climate.

A broad range of investment products are covered, such as: fixed income investments; equities; derivatives; pooled investments; and alternative investments.

This must-have resource includes:
– Detailed descriptions of complex investment products and strategies
– Easy-to-read explanations of how various investment products work and when they should, and  should not, employed
– Clear, thorough examples, which show exactly how various investment products and  strategies generate income and gains in value, and how those gains can be incorporated into
investment strategies to meet specific real-world goals
– Comprehensive explanations of investment-related tax concepts, which help investors and planners devise tax-efficient strategies
– Thoughtful, independent advice about the best products and strategies for a specific situation

In addition to everything that made the prior editions so effective and popular, the latest edition includes:
– A new chapter on the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT), which describes what net investment income
is (and is not), how the NIIT affects individual high-income taxpayers and owners of small businesses,
and how it applies to the investment activities of trusts, estates and beneficiaries
– Enhanced and clearly labeled examples, providing detailed information about real-world investment
scenarios which help readers understand how investment performance is achieved and monitored
– Mathematical equations used for investment performance monitoring. These equations are clearly
explained, with numerous examples so readers can understand what certain investment benchmarks

And, as with all the resources in the highly acclaimed Leimberg Library, every area covered in this book is accompanied by the tools, techniques, practice tips, and examples you can use to help your clients successfully navigate the complex course of investment planning and confidently meet their needs.
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