Nicole Johnson

The Official Quest for Success Study Guide

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The strategies in this book serve to eliminate the guesswork and stress of how to study and succeed in the classroom. Quest for Success is the playbook for students. It reveals all of the secrets and strategies required to succeed in the classroom. It can be helpful for grade school students as well as graduate students in that it easily helps get you started on not only getting organized, but to maximize your time spent studying while minimizing your stress. Too often, students of any age or maturity find themselves feeling overwhelmed, which can lead to feeling of anxiety or worry. The easily outlined, step by step suggestions in this manual are time tested and absolutely work. Give yourself a moment to read through the pages to see how easy studying actually can be, so that you can focus the rest of your time on things you also enjoy doing. I have found that regardless of our own particular style of learning, this manual has covered the many ways that each person can truly benefit from employing the steps.
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