Robin Bennett

Raptor the Avenger

The three very different Vampires, Picus, Moüsch and Raptor must unite the Hidden Kingdom to survive.

Think you know the truth about Vampires? Well, think again. A mysterious volume in an unknown tongue, a thief who could change the course of the world and a closely-guarded secret, older than Humankind…

“Robin Bennett's Picus the Thief is that seemingly impossible take on the genre — funny, intelligent, imaginative story-telling that mixes Arthurian legend with faeries and vampires and comes up with a unique mix of all three.” — SSF Chronicles

“Aimed at the young adult market, the world building is incredible and it's almost impossible not to become immersed in this fantastically realised world of charm and grandeur. The characters are just as lively too, Picus is brilliant as a small but almost indestructible, irrepressible vampire thief who throws himself head first at life's little adventures.” — SF Books Reviews (best fantasy fiction for book lovers)

“Picus the Thief is highly original, beautifully imaginative and utterly engaging. It is no mean feat that the author has managed to create a series of interconnected worlds, a loveable central character, as well as a host of other characters that all have genuine depth. If you are looking for gifts for books lovers or top fantasy books, read Picus the Thief.”
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