David Cochran,Jr.A.,Carl A. “Andy” Reese

Southeastern Geographer

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Southeastern Geographer VOLUME 54, NUMBER 2 : SUMMER 2014 Table of Contents Cover Art The Buddha Abides in Mississippi Mark M. Miller Introduction to Southeastern Geographer, Volume 54, Number 2 Carl A. Reese and David M. Cochran Part I: Papers The Geography of Non-Earned Income in the Piedmont Megapolitan Cluster Keith G. Debbage, Bradley Bereitschaft, and Edward Beaver Challenges and Opportunities for Southeast Agriculture in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from State Climatologists Pam Knox, Chris Fuhrmann, and Chip KonradPeoples' Perceptions of Housing Market Elements in Knoxville, Tennessee Madhuri Sharma Structure and Dynamics of an Old-Growth Pine-Oak Community in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, Georgia, U.S.A. Christopher A. Petruccelli, John Sakulich, Grant L. Harley, and Henri D. Grissino-Mayer “A Tale of Mice and Men”: The WPA, the LSU Indian Room Museum, and the Emergence of Professional Archaeology in the U.S. South Amy E. Potter, Dydia DeLyser, and Rebecca Saunders Part II: Reviews Drive: A Road Trip Through our Complicated Affair with the Automobile Tim Falconer Reviewed by Dawn M. Drake Fields and Streams: Stream Restoration, Neoliberalism, and the Future of Environmental Science Rebecca Lave Reviewed by Eric Nost Southeastern Geographer is published by UNC Press for the Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers (www.sedaag.org). The quarterly journal publishes the academic work of geographers and other social and physical scientists, and features peer-reviewed articles and essays that reflect sound scholarship and contain significant contributions to geographical understanding, with a special interest in work that focuses on the southeastern United States.
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