Carl Kerby,Woodrow Kroll

Reasons for Hope in the Mosaic of Your Life

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Life is often not picture-perfect, and difficult times can make it hard to see a plan or purpose for our lives. In this inspiring story of one man’s journey—from a rocky start as the son of a professional wrestler, to handling the fates of thousands as an air-traffic controller at one of the nation’s busiest airports, to becoming a popular Christian speaker—you will learn to see life from a different perspective. No matter what your circumstances, God can gather up the broken pieces and random elements of your life and form them into a beautiful mosaic—making you a useful vessel for His glory.

Carl Kerby’s story will not only give you reasons for hope in your own life, but will encourage you to share that hope with others. With humor and passion, Carl offers answers to questions about suffering, evolution, relativism, pluralism, and more, so you will be well-equipped to give reasons for hope to a broken world that desperately needs to hear it.
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