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*Two-time National Indie Excellence Award Finalist 2020* An occupational therapist, yoga teacher and mother of three confronts him, "We need to talk. It's about your drinking." Conveying to an emperor of denial that he's not wearing any clothes will deliver the same result as a hand grenade with a loose pin-it's gonna blow!-hence the arrival of a SWAT team on the lawn.
Without any emotional let up, psychologically nuanced writing covers five years of guts and wit as our femme protagonist Jessica navigates: the splash zone of alcoholism, legal chaos from “the incident”, unbelievable betrayal, single parenting, divorce court without a lawyer (that always goes well), and anything else a narcissist can hurl.
To help break her chains of codependency, colorful therapy sessions with Dr. Rachel Phoenix offer take-away insights as sharp as the NY doc's shoes. A vibrant, playful reemergence is brought to light when Jess is pursued by a millionaire, tries dating a woman and then, there's the hot young contractor. Particularly meaningful are the community members: neighbor, lawyer, judge, hairstylist, Vietnam vet, waitress, and real estate broker, who each create a link towards this endearing family's wellness.
SHOT GLASS is an immersive and inspiring memoir of courage, compassion and altruism laced with humor in unexpected places. See why readers claim, I couldn't put this book down!
14th Annual NIEA Finalist for categories: Divorce; Addiction & Recovery
Facts: The CDC reported more than 15 million people in the US struggled with alcohol use disorders, but fewer than 8% received treatment (January 2018). According to the US Justice Department, 4 million women were threatened by a firearm; 1 million of whom faced a bullet (January 2019).
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