A.W. Reed

Taonga Tuku Iho

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This revised edition of the classic A.W. Reed title remains true to the original vision — to create a highly readable and accessible introduction to the traditional life and customs of Māori.
The text is arranged alphabetically and includes: Entries covering agriculture, fishing, gardening, hunting, games, building, craft, forest lore and ceremony — all the known elements of pre-European Māori life. Explanations for myths, legends and stories of the gods. Colour photographs of preserved Māori artefacts. Detailed line drawings revealing domestic objects and tools. Line illustrations depicting typical scenes from Māori life. Buddy Mikaere of Ngāti Pukenga and Ngāti Ranginui descent is a well-respected historian and has published widely in his specialist field of 19th century race relations and on Māori history in general.
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