Joanna Sims,Linda Warren,Judy Duarte

Christmas Baby

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The perfect Christmas gift …
Jillian Wilkes spent one night in the arms of gorgeous ex-cop Shane Hollister, then went her own way. But, when she discovers she is pregnant with Shane’s baby, what is she to do? This could be a Christmas to remember, but only if Shane wants her love too…
Marine Captain Luke Brand has come home to make amends with his identical twin brother’s widow, Sophia. They’ve never got along, but she’s pregnant with his nephew — and Luke’s desperate to be in his life. Still, Luke has one Christmas wish he can’t reveal — He’s in love with Sophia!
Who would take a baby away from his mother at Christmas? Quentin Ross knows there is something wrong with the custody case that’s just dropped in his lap. When he meets Britt Davis, Quentin realises he will do anything to keep her family together for christmas.
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