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Sharon Creech

The Great Unexpected

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In the little town of Blackbird Tree a series of curious events unfold when Naomi and Lizzie, two spirited orphan girls, meet the strangely charming new boy, Finn. Three locked trunks, the mysterious Dingle Dangle man, a pair of rooks, a crooked bridge, and that boy change their lives for ever. As the story alternates between their small town and across-the-ocean Ireland, two worlds are woven together, revealing that hearts can be mended and that there is indeed a gossamer thread that connects us all.
'One of those stories that stays with you long after you have finished reading.' Booksellers' Choice, The Bookseller
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  • fatma elgaoudmegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🌴Nyaralós könyv

    Reminded me a lot of childhood, and little adventures.
    My first impression, was of mystery perhaps even a Grand adventure with many rules and hidden secretes. But then I found myself chuckling and grinning. I like the narrators point of view and train of thought, I thought it was pretty realistic and mature for a child's one, but then I just wanted to get to know Naomi better. I wanted to know why she thinks that way, and why everybody around her thinks too. Even after I finished reading I still don't get Lizzie and Nula, and the Unfortunate souls. But I liked it that way, you can't just accept to get to know everybody and understand them in just 152 pages!!
    Lovely, I would definitely recommend!!

  • karla220307megosztott egy benyomást6 évvel ezelőtt
    🌴Nyaralós könyv


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