Kate MacLeod

Mother River

Sarsuti is more than a river, she is a goddess with her hair in the mountains among the herders and her feet in the sea that carries the merchants far and wide, but it is the farmers in the vast plains who are her People.

Prithvi has always felt a special connection with her goddess but now her city is dying and she doesn’t know why. The river that is its lifeblood is drying up, the farmers have abandoned them, and now foreign raiders are at their gates, looking to loot what little they have left. Soon her child will be born, one she prays will be the first son to break a decades-long chain of only daughters.

Can Prithvi call on the goddess that seems to have abandoned them and mend the broken relationship between the goddess and her People, or is it too late?

“Mother River” is a fantasy set in a lost city in the distant past, where the gods are real but may not be all-powerful.
44 nyomtatott oldalak
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