Tansy Rayner Roberts

Reign of Beasts

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The Creature Court is dangerous and deadly, but Velody must unite them for everyone's sake… A beautiful and compelling story of finding one's heart's desire. 'Raze it to the ground… No amount of ritual can return fortune to this place.' the Creature Court are at war with each other. three kings fight bitterly for power and dominance over Aufleur and the streets run red with blood. Some believe that Velody has betrayed them as a new Power and Majesty rises, one who has no hesitation in torturing or killing those he should protect. At Saturnalia, the fate of the city will be decided. If Velody cannot persuade Ashiol to trust her again, Aufleur will fall. Praise for tansy Rayner Roberts: 'utterly compelling … with hints of “Gormenghast”, goth and anime, this is a book that oozes with contemporary cool' Bookseller+Publisher on the Shattered City 'sensual and descriptive' West Australian on the Shattered City 'a quite extraordinary flight of imagination' AurealisXpress on Power and Majesty
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