Curtis Steele

Operator #5 eBook #27 Patriots' Death Ba

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The Purple Invasion story #2 of 13. What has become known as the “War in Peace of the Pulps”, the legendary Purple Invasion lasted an amazing 13 installments. America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, has been washed in blood by the ruthless war hordes of the invader, Rudolph I. On the banks of the mighty Father of Waters the American people, poorly armed, ragged and desperate, are making a last stand. But as rumors reach them of the bloody slaughter to the east, as the heavens fill swiftly with thousands of enemy planes, and they sense the insidious treachery developing among their own military leaders, their grim courage begins to weaken. Their only hope lies in Operator 5 — and he, a victim of internal treachery, has disappeared!
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