Peg Streep

Quitting (previously published as Mastering the Art of Quitting)

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Find out why the happiest, most successful people have the ability both to persist and to quit
Do you believe that “winners never quit and quitters never win”? Do you tend to hang in longer than you should, even when you're unhappy? Our culture usually defines quitting as admitting defeat, but persistence isn't always the answer: When a goal is no longer useful, we need to be able to quit to get the most out of life. In Quitting, bestselling author Peg Streep and psychotherapist Alan Bernstein reveal simple truths that apply to goal setting and achievement in all areas of life, including work, love, and relationships:
Without the ability to give up, most people will end up in a discouraging loop.
Quitting is a healthy, adaptive response when a goal can't be reached.
Quitting permits growth and learning, as well as the ability to frame new goals.
Featuring compelling stories of people who successfully quit, along with helpful questionnaires…
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  • allfiaidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Quitting isn’t an end in and of itself. It’s the necessary first step to rebooting and redefining your goals, and what you want from life.


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