David Suzuki

The David Suzuki Reader

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David Suzuki’s collected writings on science, nature, technology, economics, politics, and the connectedness of all things.The David Suzuki Reader brings together for the first time the scientific and philosophical thought of North America’s leading environmentalist.Drawing from Suzuki’s published and unpublished writings, this collection reveals the underlying themes that have informed his work for over four decades. In these incisive and provocative essays, Suzuki explores the limits of knowledge and the connectedness of all things; looks unflinchingly at the destructive forces of globalization, political shortsightedness, and greed; cautions against blind faith in science, technology, politics, and economics; and provides inspiring examples of how and where to make those changes that will matter to all of us and to future generations. He also offers a vision of hope based on our love of children and nature.In this time of global unrest and uncertainty, Suzuki provides an important reminder of how we are all connected and of what really matters. Written with clarity, passion, and wisdom, this book is essential reading for anyone who is an admirer of David Suzuki, who wants to understand what science can and can’t do, or who wants to make a difference.
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