
Memoirs of Marie Antoinette

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Once you begin this book, the intimate details of Marie Antoinette and the court of Versailles start to spill. Each page is filled with a story, a small gem of court intrigues. You will read about posh events held in private apartments, the pay scale, Madame du Barry's favorite servant and even unmentionable details of Louis XV's final days.

You will meet Louis XVI, as you may not have known him before. She describes the King as having handsome features, however marked with melancholy. You will also learn more about Marie Antoinette, her disposition, the views others held of her, and her weakest moments.

The most powerful image I always recall is the evening Marie’s ladies pack her belongings in the moonlight, with a small hope of escape, her despaired majesty sitting detached, digesting it all. Madame, who stayed loyal to her friends until the end.
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