Samuel Moore

Issues in Open Research Data

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About the book

In 2010 the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science were published. These principles were founded upon the idea that ‘Science is based on building on, reusing and openly criticising the published body of scientific knowledge’ (http://pantonprinciples.org) and they provide a succinct list of the fundamentals to observe when making your data open. Intended for a broad audience of academics, publishers and librarians, Issues in Research Data explores the implications of the Panton Principles through a number of perspectives on open research data in the sciences and beyond.

The book features chapters by open data experts in a range of academic disciplines, covering practical information on licensing, ethics, and advice for data curators, alongside more theoretical issues surrounding the adoption of open data. As the book will be open access, each chapter will be able to standalone from the main volume so that communities can host, distribute, build upon and remix the content that is relevant to them.

Table of Contents

Editor’s Introduction — Samuel A. Moore
Open Content Mining — Peter Murray-Rust, Jennifer C. Molloy, Diane Cabell
The Need to Humanize Open Science — Eric C. Kansa
Data Sharing in a Humanitarian Organization: The Experience of Médecins Sans Frontières — Unni Karunakara
Why Open Drug Discovery Needs Four Simple Rules for Licensing Data and Models — Antony J. Williams, John Wilbanks, Sean Ekins
Open Data in the Earth and Climate Sciences — Sarah Callaghan
Open Minded Psychology — Wouter van den Bos, Mirjam Jenny, Dirk Wulff
Open Data in Health Sciences — Tom Pollard
Open Research Data in Economics — Velichka Dimitrova
Open Data and Palaeontology — Ross Mounce

Panton Fellowships

This book is the result of a yearlong Panton Fellowship with the Open Knowledge Foundation and made possible by the Computer and Communications Industry Association. This is the second year that the fellowships have taken place, so far funding five early-career researchers across Europe.

Throughout the year, fellows are expected to advocate for issues surrounding open data, centred on promotion of the Panton Principles for open data in Science. Projects have ranged from monitoring air quality in local primary schools, to transparent and reproducible altmetrics, to the Open Science Training Initiative and now this volume on open research data.

In addition to the funding and training fellows receive, the Open Knowledge Foundation is a great network of supportive, like-minded individuals who are really committed to the broad mission of increasing openness throughout academia, government and society at large.

About the publisher

Ubiquity Press is an open access publisher of peer-reviewed, academic journals. Our flexible publishing model makes journals and books affordable, and enables researchers around the world to find and access the information they need, without barriers.

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