John Hagee

Avenger of Blood

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In Avengers of Blood the dramatic conflict between historic Christianity and ancient heresies parallels the resurgence of Gnostic and pagan beliefs in the late twentieth century under the guise of the New Age movement. the plot also deals with social issues--such a child abandonment, sanctioned by Roman law in a way that will touch the hearts of pro-life Christians today.
As the story continues, released from his exile on Patmos, the apostle John sets out to deliver his apocalyptic writings to the seven churches of Asia. But the elderly apostle's protege, Jacob turns away from his call to the ministry in order to seek revenge on his family's persecutor.
His sister Rebecca, must confront her feelings for the unbelieving lawyer hired to hand her late father's estate. Will she follow her heart or sacrifice love to follow God's will? Rebecca's illegitimate son, Victor, is destined to become a respected pastor who must battle enemies both inside and outside the church.
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