Agustin V. Startari

The Path to Happiness

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“The Path to Happiness: Buddhist Wisdom for Everyday Life” is a work that immerses us in the ancient teachings of Buddhism to find happiness and meaning in our daily lives. Through a practical and accessible perspective, the author guides us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation based on the fundamental principles of Buddhism.

In this book, we will explore how to identify the emotions and concerns that cause us suffering and learn to cultivate a calm and serene mind. The author invites us to reflect on our actions and decisions, showing us how we can cultivate moral and ethical behavior that leads us towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

As we delve into the teachings of Buddhism, we discover the importance of mindfulness and compassion in our relationships and our relationship with ourselves. The author shows us how to integrate these practices into our everyday life, allowing us to face challenges and find happiness in each present moment.

“The Path to Happiness: Buddhist Wisdom for Everyday Life” is an inspiring and practical guide that invites us to apply the principles of Buddhism in our daily lives. Through ancient and timeless wisdom, we will discover how-to live-in harmony with ourselves and the world around us, thus finding the true path to lasting happiness. This book is an invitation to transform our perspective and build a fulfilling and meaningful life based on Buddhist values and teachings.
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