Gabino Iglesias,Lisa Marie Basile

Tragedy Queens

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Archetypes are real. Muses are real. Writers are the channels of these spirits & if that sounds like witchcraft that's because it is. These stories gave me chills. Sylvia Plath & Lana Del Rey course through the veins of these dark, sexy, mind-bending, fantastical, romantic, & haunting tales. Authors from different genres came together in their love & passion for these muses.

The Blacklist: Kathryn Louise
Crazy Mary: Patricia Grisafi
Pipedreams: Devora Gray
And All the World Drops Dead: Max Booth III Without Him (and Him, and Him) There is No Me: Laura Diaz de Arce
Going About 99: Christine Stoddard
The Lazarus Wife: Tiffany Morris
Stag Loop: Brendan Vidito
SP World: Lorraine Schein
A Ghost of My Own Making: Ashley Inguanta
Loose Ends: A Movie: Tiffany Scandal
Girls in the Garden of Holy Suffering: Lisa Marie Basile
The Gods in the Blood: Gabino Iglesias
The Land of Other: Farah Rose Smith
Sad Girl: Monique Quintana
Corinne: JC Drake
Sphinx Tears: Cara DiGirolamo
Rituals of Gorgons: Larissa Glasser
The Wife: Victoria Dalpe
Dayglo Reflection: Manuel Chavarria
Catman's Heart: Laura Lee Bahr
Panic Bird: Selene MacLeod
Because of Their Different Deaths: Stephanie Wytovich
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