Additionally to this should be guarding the doors of sense, right knowledge, virtue and meditation.
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Everything that happens to us results from the conditions and cause for which we are ultimately responsible.
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This does not mean that a Buddhists should not seek wealth and possession as an ultimate happiness goal, it only means that there must be an understanding of its limits
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Ill will or hatred
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Like and dislike are both forces that can trigger conflicts and bloodshed because of the confusion, both are born out of ignorance
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Buddhism has ten unwholesome courses of actions and deeds whose origin is greed, hatred and delusion defilements. These include lying, slander, killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, useless talk, harsh speech, ill will, covetousness and false views
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Wholesome karma on the other hand comes from the virtuous qualities of wisdom, detachment and good will.
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They include morality, generosity, reverence and meditation, transference of minds, service, hearing the dhamma, and rejoicing in the good deeds of other, expounding the dhamma and straightening out of one’s views
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ignorance is no excuse in a court of law
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human beings is a true reflection of their own actions and their evolving is based on the quality of their karma during their lifetime