Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA World Factbook 2015

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From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, The CIA World Factbook 2015 offers complete and up-to-date information on the world’s nations. This comprehensive guide is packed with detailed information on the politics, populations, military expenditures, and economics of 2015.For each country, The CIA World Factbook 2015 includes:Detailed maps with new geopolitical dataStatistics on the population of each country, with details on literacy rates, HIV prevalence, and age structureNew data on military expenditures and capabilitiesInformation on each country’s climate and natural hazardsDetails on prominent political parties, and contact information for diplomatic consultationFacts on transportation and communication infrastructureAnd much more!Also included are appendixes with useful abbreviations, international environmental agreements, international organizations and groups, weight and measure conversions, and more. Originally intended for use by government officials, this is a must-have resource for students, travelers, journalists, and business people with a desire to know more about their world.
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