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Jason Perry

Career Change Challenge: How To Change Your Career For Success And Satisfaction

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Are you one of several employees who are either dissatisfied or unhappy in their present career? Do you feel that you are not growing with the career you have chosen? If your answer is yes, then you have to pursue a career change. While this can be a major decision that can make or break your financial stability, embracing the idea is one way to grow and find yourself. It is your gateway to happiness and satisfaction. This book, How to Change Your Career for Success and Satisfaction can prepare you for the journey of career change. Below is a quick outline of what you can get: o The challenges of career change o How to manage an “out-of-job situation” o Mistakes to avoid when changing careers o Smart ways to change careers o Decide on the right career o Match your personality with the right career o And much more. So if you are ready for a career change, get hold of this book packed with guidelines to help you overcome the challenges that will come with your decision.
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