Julie Garwood

Gentle Warrior

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ReviewRomantic TimesA delightful Tale.
Affaire de CoeurLiberally garnished with intrigue and with sensous love scenes…Julie Garwood is a superb storyteller.
Product DescriptionFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Ransom comes an exquisite tender tale of love, adventure and passion!
In feudal England, Elizabeth Montwright barely escaped the massacre that destroyed her family and exiled her from her ancestral castle. Bent on revenge, she rode again through the fortress gates, disguised as a peasant…to seek aid from Geoffrey Berkley, the powerful baron who had routed the murderers.
He heard her pleas, resisted her demands, and vowed to seduce his beautiful subject. Yet as Elizabeth fought the warrior's caresses, love flamed for this gallant man who must soon champion her cause…and capture her spirited heart!
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