Michael Milligan

Grandpa Rules

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Fourteen years ago, Mike Milligan learned he would become a grandfather for the first time. He was surprised to find that there was little or no information available on what it means to be a grandfather, how to make the most of the experience, and how to be the best grandfather possible. Sure, there were shelves of books dedicated to grandmothers—all with cuddly covers depicting spring bouquets or gentle little lambs. But there was not a single book that spoke to him, a sixty-four-year-old grandfather-to-be. It struck him that there were countless other grandfathers out there experiencing this same feeling of neglect. With over a decade of grandparenting under his belt, Milligan is thrilled to offer his Grandpa Rules.
Over the years, Milligan has discovered some universal rules that apply to grandfathers everywhere. For example, the “let it slide” rule has taught him to take it in stride when he hears one of his grandchildren say, “Grandpa sure dresses funny.” Imbued with Milligan's humor, honed during his career in comedy writing for television (The Jeffersons, All in the Family, etc.), Grandpa Rules will entertain and delight millions of grandfathers, as well as those who will soon earn the exalted title of “Grandpa.” It's the perfect gift for a special grandfather, for Father's Day, a birthday, the birth of a grandchild, or just for a grandpa to read and enjoy during one of his many bathroom visits.
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