J.l. Ryan

Billionaires And Bad Boys

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Seething with anger, plus size Amelia Randolph is worried sick about her grandmother who is still in the hospital after being stricken with a mysterious illness.

The woman's symptoms began soon after she had a water filtration system installed in her home. These types of filtration systems are meant to keep people safe from contaminated drinking water, not make them deathly ill.

Determined to find out why her grandmother got sick, Amelia contacts the owner of the water filtration system, powerful billionaire Jacob Alexande and makes an appointment to meet with him.

As soon as she sees him, she feels both disgust and lust. She wants to hate him but he's so freaking sexy and nice that she almost forgets that his stupid water system almost killed her grandmother.

She doesn't think she can ever forgive him and vows to sue him for everything he has. That is until he reveals a scandalous secret about himself that could rock her to the core…

This billionaire romance book bundle includes the following books:

The Billionaire's Secret

The Billionaire's Romance

The Billionaire's Desire

From Agony To Ecstasy

The Billionaire's Game

The Billionaire Boss

The Billionaire's Bargain

The Billionaire's Gift

The Billionaire's Caregiver

The Billionaire's Wish

Legal Affairs

Second Chance Romance

Lost Love

★★Read Now!★★
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