J.J. Green


Aliens are invading Earth, but the only ones who can stop them are trapped.

Jas Harrington and her companions are battling the alien invasion of Shadows. The four friends have made it to a sanctuary, and they want contact the Transgalactic Council to ask for its help, but Shadows surround them.

The aliens have blocked deep space transmissions, and Jas can't get a message out to the Council.

If she can find a way to destroy the suppressor that's blocking the signal, their troubles may be over. But time is short. The Shadows are doing everything they can to break through their defenses.

If Jas and her allies fail at their task, no hope remains for humankind.

Trapped is book seven in the fast-paced, action-packed Shadows of the Void space opera serial.
92 nyomtatott oldalak
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