Katalin Galusz

Crochet Your Own Festive Pumpkin

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Crochet Your Own Festive Pumpkin includes instructions to make an adorable crochet amigurumi pumpkin in a day.
Whatever your skill level, you will be able to complete the project with ease and display it in your home the same day you start.
Use your handmade amigurumi pumpkin as a decoration for Halloween and later as a centerpiece for the Thanksgiving table. Crisp air, pumpkin spice, and cozy crochet—what more can you ask for?
Other titles in the Crochet in a Day series include: Crochet Your Own Spooky Skull Garland, Crochet Your Own Merry and Bright Baubles, and Crochet Your Own Festive Friends.
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